We are proud to present the newest DJ to join B.E.A.S.T. Radio DJ Monkey Man….
He will be playing a METAL MELTDOWN that will more then likely melt your fucking face off so tune in for more details…….
Postings for Radio related information.
Thats right why search for other radios when your sitting online, or got your smart phone with ya? After long debates on how to proceed with this addition to our complex of mingle related business, we are now complete.
We have our very own Internet Based Radio Station, which everyone can tune in by using the BEAST Radio Link in the top left corner of our chat room. For those that listen on a cell phone they should bookmark the site http://www.djcast.net/stream/?radio=B.E.A.S.T to their smart phones. Remember you will need an Adobe Flash Player to run this mobile.
Our station consists of a various amounts of all music, however, classic rock is definitely the heaviest. We welcome you to use the radio station to your pleasure. Also DJ applications are now being reviewed, and if you want to be a DJ for our station, all you have to do is contact BEAST or and Admin from either chat room and have mp3’s available on YOUR COMPUTER.
In the meantime, tune in to the Radio its there for you with our currently LIVE DJ’s to entertain your nights: Wizard with his twisted Wonderland and Raiderz comin on strong with his rantings!! BEAST RADIO FUCKIN ROCKS!!!!!! Just Sayin ….Just Fuckin Sayin!!