All posts by Beastmaster
Gunpowder sprouts life!
CONGRATULATIONS GUNPOWDER!!!! James Shaw was born today, December 29, 2011 at 8:01 am.payday loans This morning baby was 9 lbs and 10 oz, and was 20 inches long!!!! With a 15 inch head I’m sure mom is glad a c-section was performed. Mother and son are reported doing wonderful 🙂 !!!! Wtg Gunny!!!
The Aussies Get it DONE!
Congratulation go out to Vampy and Miss Moo…..woooot wooooot. On July 16, 2012, at approximately12:29 in the afternoon the incredible Miss Moo gave birth to the newest F2m mer, Olivia Katheryn Dawn Marshall. Little Olivia cam into this world weighing 5 lbs 5 oz’s…and measured up at an impressive 49 cms in length. WAY TO GO MOO AND VAMPS!!!! This author is glad to announce how happy we are for the beautiful couple from Aussie Land and am glad to announce both Mother and daughter are doing well! WTG !!!!!!
How can you take something that is awesome and make it better? That’s easy enough to answer, just keep building. And here from the heart of Beastmaster’s Computer Repair, that is what we are doing. Besides F2m and Blazing Saddles Chat Lounge, we have introduced another chat. We are proud to announce THE TRIBE. While F2m and Blazing Saddles are both aimed at larger population and open chatting, the newest chatsite we have added is similar but yet different.
WTC is designed and created for a fun experience. The Owners are constantly clowning and just having fun. If your looking for a spot to chat with minimal drama this chat is definitely an option. The same basic rules apply to this chat, and 18 and over is still a must!
Also on a note to staff of the businesses. The owner has made it available to have multiple staffings on family business. Thats right, a moderator can now moderate on more than one of the family businesses. Ask the Owners of each chat if interested, this decision on whether to “Mod” someone at the new locations is left to those Owners for it is not a BEAST decision to hire.
It’s been nine months and Mzmimi still hasn’t had her baby. Poor Mimi, carrying around a belly like a bowling ball, must be completely uncomfortable. Megan, our thoughts and prayers are with you as your second daughter comes to join this world. We all wish for a Safe and Healthy delivery and QUICK recovery!!!!
We love ya Mzmimi and we got your back!!!!
BEAST Radio here at last!
Thats right why search for other radios when your sitting online, or got your smart phone with ya? After long debates on how to proceed with this addition to our complex of mingle related business, we are now complete.
We have our very own Internet Based Radio Station, which everyone can tune in by using the BEAST Radio Link in the top left corner of our chat room. For those that listen on a cell phone they should bookmark the site to their smart phones. Remember you will need an Adobe Flash Player to run this mobile.
Our station consists of a various amounts of all music, however, classic rock is definitely the heaviest. We welcome you to use the radio station to your pleasure. Also DJ applications are now being reviewed, and if you want to be a DJ for our station, all you have to do is contact BEAST or and Admin from either chat room and have mp3’s available on YOUR COMPUTER.
In the meantime, tune in to the Radio its there for you with our currently LIVE DJ’s to entertain your nights: Wizard with his twisted Wonderland and Raiderz comin on strong with his rantings!! BEAST RADIO FUCKIN ROCKS!!!!!! Just Sayin ….Just Fuckin Sayin!!
HELLO we are proud to add a Newspaper with various information to the ongoing interests in revamping and with our new!!!
Instead this site will be representing the equities of Michael Goodman. I purchased these businesses September 1, 2010.
I own and administrate many businesses, other than this newspaper. The first is This is an Adult, yes 18+ only chatroom, that does require Age and Gender on profiles and is fully moderated. We have a lot of fun with use of unlimited Webcams and microphones anywhere in the world. The use of visichats are common place, and we own one that has been fully upgraded and customized for the users. These customizations include new crazy status messages, almost 2400 songs in an online media player, a chatters choice with a radio station available, and 100 games, and affordable computer repair. If you’d like to enjoy some fun come join us at the hottest spot on the net
You can also check out the BRAND NEW Social Networking at , the new updated site kicked off January 1, 2011. Some of the features that will be available are status updating, and Premium Memberships will be for sale (FINALLY). Paypal outlet is finally going to be turned on.
Last but not least, will lead you to the most affordable computer repair IN THE WORLD. I work out of my house to allow the overhead that many many companies tax their customer base so my prices are beyond rediculously low. I fix computers all over the world, for next to almost nothing. I am the best computer repair specialist when it comes to remote repairs. Its safe and direct. Beastmasters comes to you at your house. 24/7 Tecnical Support chat is available if applicable to service contracts.
Also there are chatrooms for rent. If interested Please inquire in f2m.
We are a fast expanding company who’s goal is to help our fellow human beings, while being able to feed our family.