And yes Mzmimi popped her THIRD yes THIRD child out. Baby and Mom are healthy and doing fine!!!!

On Thursday August 29th Jayden Andrew Moreland was born at 6:38pm cst weighing 7lbs 15.9oz and he was 20in long he parent are The Wizard (Dad) and Kelsi and he gains a little sister for him to protect Kayleigh welcomes you

On March 10th 2013 Kira Brooke Adams was born in this world at 8:50pm England Time weighting 9lbs 7ozs

Hailee Elizabeth Hamby was born on 2-17-2013
at 11:49pm She was 5lbs and 12.4 ozs and 19inchs long
She is the first Grandchild to jungleman69,
who we know as GEORGE lmfao. CONGRATS BRO!!!!

Jayson a.k.a. Zemitron and his lovely bride Leslie enjoy the birth of their daugther Kaylin Leigh Harrison.
She was born on August 16th at 6:10pm and weighing 6lbs and 10 ozs

We are proud to present the newest DJ to join B.E.A.S.T. Radio DJ Monkey Man….
He will be playing a METAL MELTDOWN that will more then likely melt your fucking face off so tune in for more details…….
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